
Reconstruction of three elementary schools in marginalized areas of Kuçove


Financed fund: 40.195.420 ALL (326.129 Euro )

Specific objectives:

- Increase the educational level of developing areas, especially rural areas, through the improvement of buildings and educational services;

- Ensure education for all children by reducing gender gaps and involving children with disabilities through the improvement of physical structures, conditions of buildings, sanitation and health and joint awareness actions;

- Ensure the inclusion in social life of children from disadvantaged families by creating conditions for the interaction of children through sporting activities;

- Increase the social cohesion of urban and rural areas through a mixture of joint physical and social interventions by partners within the community;

- Contribute to the stability of the population in the area by developing educational conditions.

Main activities:

- Reconstruction of three schools and installation of equipment;

- Visibility and awareness event.